Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is an emerging style of computing where applications, data, and resources are provided to users as services over the web. Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services that can be made available rapidly and released with minimal service provider interaction. Cloud computing is the use of networked infrastructure software and capacity to provide resources to users in an OnDemand environment. Cloud Computing is an emerging consumption and delivery model that enables the provisioning of standardized business and computing services through a shared infrastructure, the where-in end user is enabled to control the interaction in order to accomplish the business task. Computing resources such as hardware, software networks, storage, services, and interfaces are no longer confined within the four walls of the enterprise. Cloud computing is an emerging style of computing where applications, data, and resources are provided to users as services over the web.
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
- Cloud computing uses commodity-based hardware as its base - replace h/w without affecting the cloud.
- It uses a commodity-based software container system - Ex: service should be able to be moved from one cloud provider to any other cloud provider with no effect on the service.
- Virtualization
- Abstraction layer for h/w, s/w, and configuration systems
- Multi-tenant system
- Pay as you go with no-lock in
- Privacy and Security of Data
- Flexible migration and restart capabilities
- Autonomic Computing - Automated restarts, automated resource expansion, and contraction
- Dynamic Scaling - Horizontal / Vertical
The following characteristics set them apart cloud from other computing techniques:
- On-Demand Service - without requiring human interaction with the service provider
- Ubiquitous Network Access - access from any device
- Location -Independent Resource Pooling: No control, or knowledge over the physical location of the server
- Rapid Elasticity - scale out and scale in, automatically & rapidly
- Measured Service – you get what you pay for (services and transactions)
Types of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a style of computing in which business processes, applications, data, and any type of IT resources can be provided as a service to users:
Cloud has the following delivery models (Types of Cloud):
- Public
- Private
- Hybrid
- Community
Public Cloud
The infrastructure of the public cloud is made available for the general public where the resources are provided over the internet and any users can access from the cloud, it is owned by the cloud vendor. The public cloud infrastructure is not visible to the customer where the infrastructure is hosted.
Private Cloud
The infrastructure of the private cloud is made available only for a specific organization and not for other organizations. It means resources available in the private cloud can be accessed by internal users, and anyone within the organization but users outside of that organization cannot access them. Commercial data are fully maintained as well as infrastructures of the private cloud are entirely taken care of by the organization itself. The private cloud is a lot more protected when compared with the public cloud.
Hybrid Cloud
The infrastructure of a hybrid cloud is a combination of more than one cloud such as a public, private, or community cloud. Critical data can be hosted by organizations on the private cloud and data by having pretty less security relates to the public cloud.
Community Cloud
The infrastructure of the public cloud is deployed for several organizations and not for the specific organization but supports a specific community or interested groups. It means organizations that have similar policies, objectives, and targets or belongs to a specific community, build a shared cloud data center that can be used by all of the members. It is based on the faith between all the members in the community cloud, which can walk through their mutual benefits
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