Top 10 Programming Language to learn in 2023

Are you a programming enthusiast looking to stay ahead of the curve in 2023? With the ever-evolving tech landscape, keeping up with the Best Programming Language to learn can be a daunting task. Fear not, as we have compiled a list of the top 10 Programming Languages that you should consider learning in 2023. Python: This versatile language continues to dominate in 2023, with its ease of use, readability, and a vast library of modules. JavaScript: As web development grows increasingly popular, JavaScript remains a crucial player, with its ability to create dynamic and interactive web pages. Java: This language has stood the test of time and remains a popular choice for enterprise software development. C++: A staple in the gaming and systems development industries, C++ offers exceptional performance and memory management. Swift: Apple's preferred language for iOS app development, Swift continues to grow in popularity with its simplicity and reliability. R: As data science and machin...

Scope Resolution Operator( :: ) | C++ Programming

Scope Resolution Operator( :: ) | C++ Programming

C++ programming supports a mechanism to access a global variable from a function in which a local variable is defined with the same name as a global variable. It is achieved using the scope resolution operator ::  

Global Variable Name

            The global variable to be accessed must be preceded by the scope resolution operator. It directs the compiler to access a global variable, instead of one defined as a local variable. The scope resolution operator permits a program to reference an identifier in the global scope that has been hidden by another identifier with the same name in the local scope.

//An example of use of scoperesolution operator ::

int x=5; void main()
int x=15;
cout< <"Local data x="< <x< <"Global data x="< <::x< <endl;
 int x=25; 
cout< <"Local data x="< <x< <"Global data x="< <::x< <endl;
 cout< <"Local data x="< <x< <"Global data x="< <::x< <endl;
 cout< <”Global +Local=”< <::x +x;


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