Top 10 Programming Language to learn in 2023

Are you a programming enthusiast looking to stay ahead of the curve in 2023? With the ever-evolving tech landscape, keeping up with the Best Programming Language to learn can be a daunting task. Fear not, as we have compiled a list of the top 10 Programming Languages that you should consider learning in 2023. Python: This versatile language continues to dominate in 2023, with its ease of use, readability, and a vast library of modules. JavaScript: As web development grows increasingly popular, JavaScript remains a crucial player, with its ability to create dynamic and interactive web pages. Java: This language has stood the test of time and remains a popular choice for enterprise software development. C++: A staple in the gaming and systems development industries, C++ offers exceptional performance and memory management. Swift: Apple's preferred language for iOS app development, Swift continues to grow in popularity with its simplicity and reliability. R: As data science and machin...

Object Oriented Approach | C++ Programming

Object Oriented Approach | C++ Programming

                The fundamental idea behind object-oriented language is to combine both data & function that separate data into a single unit such a unit is called object. A objects function called member function provides the way to access objects data.

The data item in an object can be access only by calling member function in object & data item cannot be accessed directly.

The data is hidden and safe from accidental alteration. In order to modify the data, we should know exactly what function interact with it, no other function can access the data.
Hence OOP focuses on data rather than algorithm for solving problems.

In other words, OOP is the method of implementation which program are organized as cp-operative collection of object.

A program in OOP consists several objects which communicate with each other by calling an object member function calling an object.
Object Oriented Approach

Figure: - Program Organization in OOP

In addition, OOP supports encapsulation, inheritance & polymorphism.
Ex: - simula, small talk, C++, Java, python, C#.


  • ·         Emphasis is given on data rather than procedure.
  • ·         Problem are divided into objects
  • ·         Data structures are designed such that they characterize the objects.
  • ·         Functions and data are ties together in the data structures so that data       obstruction is introduced in addition to procedural abstraction.
  • ·         Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions/
  • ·         Object communicate with each other through function
  • ·         New data and functions can be easily added.
  • ·         Follow the bottom-up approach of programming.

Elements/ Features of OOP: -

  • ·         Class
  • ·         Object
  • ·         Encapsulation
  • ·         Abstraction
  • ·         Inheritance
  • ·         Polymorphism
  • ·         Message Passing


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